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    текст Schools и задания к нему

    Schools have become an important place to identify problems in the social functioning of the individuals and families. These problems impact children and their ability to learn - the primary mission of education - and thus are of concern to school systems. Yet, relatively few social workers are employed by schools to address these complex issues. School social wokers make up only 1,4 percent of BSW graduates and 4,8 percent of the MSWs. Many of these are in federally mandated positions and are specifically employed to serve disabled children and their families. School related problems, however, are a substantial part of the workload for 8,4 of the BSWs and 13,6 percent of MSWs.
    The traditional approach of social workers in schools has been to counsel the child and confer with the family. They have depended on the cooperation of teachers to make referrals when problems are evident and have had varying degrees of effectiveness, depending on the willingness of teachers and school systems to use them as a resource. Problems of truancy, suspected child abuse, inadequate nutrition, substance abuse, parental neglect, and inappropriate behavior are often referred to the social workers.
    Recently this practice field has undergone a marked change with the school being approached as a primary setting where social problems should be identified and addressed. Social workers have, under this approach, become more aggressive in their practice activities, serving as a link between school, family and community. According to Costin, there are seven primary tasks one can expect to find the social worker performing in the school today:
    1.    Facilitate the provision of direct educational and social services and provide direct social casework and group work services to selected pupils.
    2.    Act as a pupil advocate, focusing upon the urgent needs of selected groups of pupils.
    3.    Consult with school administrators to jointly identify major problems toward which a planned service approach will be aimed: aid in developing cooperative working relationships with community agencies; and assistance in the formulation of school policy that directly affects the welfare of children and young persons.
    4.    Consult with teachers about techniques for creating a climate in which children are freed and motivated to learn by interpreting social and cultural influences in the lives of pupils; facilitate the use of peer to help a troubled child or assist in managing relationships within a classroom.
    5.    Organize parent and community groups to channel concerns about pupils and school and to improve school and community relations.
    6.    Develop and maintain liaison between the school and critical fields of social work - child welfare, corrections, mental health and legal services for the poor. Such liaison facilitates more effective community services for school children and their families, assists with planned change in the community’s organizational pattern of social welfare programs and resources, and acts as a catalyst to change the pattern of social structure.
    7.    Provide leadership in the coordination of interdisciplinary skills among pupil services personnel, e.g. guidance counselors, psychologists, nurses and attendance officers.
    Vocabulary, grammar and text exercises
    I.    Fill in the blanks with the suitable words given under the line.
    1.    The primary ... of education is to ... children and their ability to learn.
    2.    ... social workers are employed at school.
    3.    Most of social workers are employed to ... disabled children.
    4.    Social workers at schools are considered to ... the children and ... with the family.
    5.    Social workers have depended on ... of teachers and on the ... of teachers to use them as a resource.
    6.    Now social workers serve as ... between schools, family and community.
    7.    There are ... primary tasks of social workers at school.
    A link, few, seven, to serve, to counsel. Mission, the cooperation, to impact, willingness, to confer.
    II. Read the compound words and translate them.
    The workload, casework, welfare, interdisciplinary
    Find the words with negative prefixes in the text.
    Find the nouns formed with the help of suffixes in the text.
    8.    Find the appropriate Russian equivalents to the following English terms.
    Social functioning, school social workers, BSW graduates, MSWs, disabled children, child abuse, inadequate nutrition, substance abuse, parental neglect, the practice field, inappropriate behavior, a primary setting, practice activity, primary task, a pupil advocate, cooperative relationship, a troubled child, mental health, guidance counselor, attendance officer.
    9.    Find the sentences with the Passive Voice among the following ones. Prove your choice.
    II.    These problems impact children and their ability to learn.
    III.    Few social workers are employed by schools.
    IV.    The traditional approach of social workers in school has been to counsel the child and confer with the family.
    V.    Problems are evident.
    VI.    Problems of truancy, suspected child abuse are often referred to the social workers.
    10.    Find the attributes to the underlined nouns in the sentences.
    8.    Schools have become important place to identify problems.
    9.    School related problems are a substantial part of the workload for social workers.
    10.    There are seven primary tasks one can expect to find social worker performing in the school today.
    11.    Social workers consult with school administrators to identify problems toward which a planned service approach will be aimed.
    12.    Social workers provide leadership in coordination of interdisciplinary skills among pupil service personnel.
    11.    Complete the sentences according to the contents of the text.
    1.    These problems impact...
    2.    Many of these are specifically employed ...
    3.    Problems of... are often referred to the social workers.
    4.    Social workers have under this approach become ...
    5.    Social worker must facilitate... and provide ...
    6.    Social workers aid in developing ...
    7.    Social workers organize parent and community groups to ... and to ...
    8.    Social workers provide leadership in ...
    12.    Choose the sentence giving the main idea of the text.
    1.    Social workers needn’t work at schools.
    2.    Social work at school is important.
    3.    Social workers help the teachers and administrators.
    4.    Social workers at school serve as a link between school, family and community.
    13.    Explain the following:
    1.    The traditional approach of social workers at school.
    2.    The changes in this approach and their results.
    3.    Seven primary tasks of a social worker at school.
    III.    Read and translate the seven primary tasks.
    IV.    Render the text.
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    DenisChigrev В связи с тем что одногруппник отказался от его работы , завысил ценник , сроки не соблюдает от слова совсем. Работа по итогу так и не выполнена.    
    bushka Спасибо большое за сложную работу, выполненную в ехель  
    SiberianWolf КРАЙНЕ не рекомендую данного исполнителя! Поначалу нашего сотрудничества я решил почитать отзывы, и половину из них оказались негативными. Люди писали, что исполнитель сначала сильно задерживает со сроками, а после вообще игнорит. Но были и положительные, из-за чего я подумал, что всё же лучше будет согласиться с ним работать. Как же я ошибался.    
    Eleon2012 Прекрасный заказчик! Четкие задания, всегда на связи. Быстрая разблокировка!  
    DenisChigrev Работу делал два месяца, вместо договоренных трех недель. Всё время говорил, что некогда, исправляет какие-то ошибки. При этом делал работы тех, кто делал заявки позже меня. Когда он сделал мне работу, то она мне была уже не нужна. И в итоге отказался делать работы моим додногруппникам-должникам.    
    olga_1309 Большое спасибо за работу! Приятно иметь дело с надежным человеком!  
    myangel очень оперативное выполнение заказа, спасибо большое!  
    valnik Прекрасный автор, очень рекомендую!  
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    vladi_79 Спасибо за досрочную разблокировку!  
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