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    15 заданий по англ (CLIMATE CHANGE)

    СТОИМОСТЬ 550 руб

    15 заданий по англ (CLIMATE CHANGE)

    Электронный архив УГЛТУ
    Задание 1. Переведите на русский язык 2 части текста «ECOLOGY»:
    (Рaragraph 1) Climate change is occurring as a result of human activity. Greenhouse gases are being emitted into the atmosphere, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil or gas, to meet the needs of our modern lifestyles. Everyday things we take for granted – such as the heating and lighting in our homes, or our transportation systems – all release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Even the products we buy, from carpets to computers, produce emissions during their manufacture and transportation.
    (Рaragraph 2) Trees and woodlands play a crucial role in regulating our climate. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it as carbon through the biochemical process of photosynthesis. Because they are such large organisms, trees are capable of absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon through this process. The carbon is held in the trunk, branches, leaves and roots of each tree, and even in the forest soil. A single tree can hold up to 4 tonnes of carbon.
    (Рaragraph 3) The world’s forests will play a very big part in providing a solution to climate change and there are four key things we can do to help:
    1. Manage our woodlands sustainably
    We must manage our woodlands carefully and maximize their ability to store carbon effectively. When trees are young they soak up carbon very quickly. As trees get older carbon absorption slows down until it reaches a steady state. At this point a forest doesn’t absorb any more carbon, but it has become a vast carbon reservoir. Good management of our forests means cutting down some trees to maintain a range of different tree ages. This maximizes the absorption capacity of the whole woodland.
    2. Protect the woodlands we already have    
    Many of the world’s forests are being destroyed. This not only means that we have fewer trees to absorb the carbon we produce, but it also leads to the release of all the carbon stored in them. Consequently deforestation is responsible for the release of almost 6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions every year.
    3. Use more wood in place of high carbon materials
    Wood has the lowest energy consumption of any commonly used building material. Replacing one cubic metre of concrete or red brick with the same volume of timber would save 1 tonne of carbon.
    There is only one building material that uses the sun’s energy to renew itself in a continuous sustainable cycle; wood. Wood is the only major building material that is renewable. It uses less energy and produces less air and water pollution than the energy-intensive manufacture of steel and concrete. Not only this, but anything made from wood will continue to store carbon for hundreds of years!
    We can all make a significant contribution to climate change reduction by using wood in place of energy-intensive materials such as steel or concrete.
    4. Use wood for fuel
    Climate change means we have to look for alternative sources of energy, and those produced by natural methods are the best to use. You may have heard about green energy such as wind or solar power, but burning wood is also a clean renewable energy source.
    Extracting firewood and other wood from woodland is one way to ensure that woodlands are managed rather than neglected (because there are economic benefits in doing so). It also benefits the rural economy by providing local jobs and diversification opportunities for farmers and land owners.

    Forests provide a vast range of non-consumptives which we do not actually take out of the forest with us - that includes all types of recreational use, peace and quiet, a place to walk the dog, nature conservation experiences, and so forth. Woodlands and forests produce benefits to the whole society not just to individuals. The non-timber benefits of woodlands are broadly divided into: environmental, social, economic.
    In urban areas, trees can improve green derelict lands and urban landscapes, reduce air pollution, provide new wildlife habitat and reduce flooding spates. Social
    By providing pleasant surroundings, trees can improve the physical, mental and community health. They also reduce wind speed and solar radiation.
    Increasing tree cover in and around urban areas can enhance property values and encourage inward investment by removing or covering eyesores and creating a general feeling of well-being and regeneration. In England & Wales, the demand for public recreation in the countryside is likely to be heightened by the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act, which includes among its provisions a 'right to roam' by foot on mountain, moor, heath and common land. Woodland is specifically excluded from this right. The England Forestry Strategy, published in 1998, sets out the programmes and priorities for the Government's support for forestry. It recognizes that forestry provides particular benefit to society in four major areas:
    Rural Development
    Many remote rural communities are undergoing change and decline, as some traditional jobs vanish, and services (shops, health) become more distant. This focuses attention on potential new opportunities of which rural development forestry is one. The countryside is moving from being simply a centre of production to being more significant as a centre of consumption. The demand for rural recreation and tourism is large and continuing to grow.
    Economic Regeneration
    Managing woods and expanding them provides employment on- and off-site. Recreation, Access & Tourism
    Tourism and recreation are major economic generators in the UK countryside. Rural tourism is a major economic activity, with nearly 1500 million visits to the countryside.
    Environment and Conservation

    Their role in ameliorating greenhouse gases and global warming as carbon sinks is widely promoted. Woodlands ameliorate the climate both locally and across large distances, pump out oxygen into the atmosphere, filter out a lot of atmospheric pollution, prevent soil erosion, etc.

    Задание 2a. Используя словарь, заполните таблицу словами, выделенными жирным шрифтом в тексте «CLIMATE CHANGE»:
    Climate change
        G        C    X
    [d ] -        [s] -        [ks] -
    [g] -        [k] -        [gz] - exist

    Задание 2б. Используя словарь, заполните таблицу словами, выделенными жирным шрифтом в тексте «PUBLIC BENEFITS»:
    Public Benefits
    sh    ck    wh    ph    gh    ng    kn
    [∫ ] -    [k] - brick    [w] -    [f] -    [-] -    [η] -    [n] - knew
            [h] -        [f] - enough        

    Задание 3. Соедините слова из первой колонки (1-10) со словами из второй колонки (a-j), образуя сложные слова, переведите их на русский язык:
                сложные слова    перевод
    1.    green    a. synthesis        
    2.    wood    b. side        
    3.    photo    c. wood        
    4.    bio    d. house        
    5.    energy-    e. site        
    6.    fire    f. land        
    7.    wild    g. being        
    8.    well-    h. intensive        
    9.    off-    i. chemical        
    10. country    j. life        

    Задание 4. Соедините начала предложений из первой колонки (1-10) с их окончаниями из второй колонки (a-j) и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык:
    1.    Climate change is occurring …………    a.    …………through    the
        _______________________________        biochemical    process    of
        _______________________________        photosynthesis.        
    2.    Greenhouse  gases  are  being  emitted    b.    ……….such  as  wind  or  solar
        ……..__________________________        power.        
    3.    Trees and woodlands play ……….    c.    …………as a result of human
        _______________________________        activity.        
    4.    They remove carbon dioxide from the    d.    …………cutting    down    some
        atmosphere,   storing   it   as   carbon        trees  to  maintain  a  range  of
        ………_________________________        different tree ages.    
    5.    The  carbon  is  held  in  the  trunk,    e.    …………..into the atmosphere.
        branches, leaves ……………                
    6.    Good   management   of   our   forests    f.    ………….both    locally    and
        means………____________________        across large distances.    
    7.    Wood  is  the  only  major  building    g.    ………….environmental,    
        material……..____________________        social, economic.        
    8.    You  may  have  heard  about  green    h.    ……………a  crucial  role  in
        energy……….___________________        regulating our climate.    
        The non-timber benefits of woodlands                
    9.    are broadly divided into: ……………..    i.    …………….that is renewable.
    10.    Woodlands   ameliorate   the   climate    j.    ……………..and roots of each
        …………_______________________        tree, and even in the forest soil.

    Задание 5. Составьте аннотацию первой части текста Climate change, используя данные выражения, и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык:
    1.    The title of the text is……
    2.    The author of the text is……
    3.    The main idea of the text is……
    4.    The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information on……
    5.    The text is divided into……….paragraphs.
    6.    According to the first paragraph…….
    7.    According to the second paragraph……
    8.    According to the third paragraph……..
    9.    I found the text (interesting, important, dull, of no value, easy/hard to understand)._________________________________________________

    Задание 6. Переведите на русский язык названия писем (1-8) и определите, к какому виду письма относятся данные ниже отрывки писем (A-I):
    1.    Letter of invitation _______________________________
    2.    Letter of rejection ________________________________
    3.    Letter of apology _________________________________
    4.    Letter of enquiry/ request __________________________
    5.    Letter of application ______________________________
    6.    Letter of complaint _______________________________

    7.    Letter of congratulation ____________________________
    8.    Letter of sympathy _______________________________
    A)    We have pleasure in inviting you to the
    Exhibition in Moscow, open from 9th to 16th
    B)    I should like to be considered for the post of secretary in the
    sales department currently advertised in the “Morning Mail.’’
    I enclose a CV which gives full details of my qualification and career.
    C)    Please send me more information about the booklet ‘’Yours for Sports’’, which you
    mentioned in your advertisement in the July 4th issue of Boys’ Life.
    D)    I am delighted to hear of your new appointment to the Board of Directors. The many years you have worked with the Company have been rewarded and my partner and I send you best wishes for the future.
    E)    We find no words to tell you how sorry we were to learn that the flood caused almost total damage to your house. I can imagine what a terrible loss it must be.
    I want to offer our help in any way we can.
    F)    You recently shipped me on order a Model BK radio set. Unfortunately it seems to have been damaged in shipment so that the dial needle will turn a little way. One of the knobs seems to be pushed in, and there is a scratch on the panel.
    G)    I am extremely sorry about the incident last week during the visit of your representative to our offices. Unfortunately …
    I)    I regret to inform you that your application for
    the position of Laboratory Technician has been unsuccessful.
    Thank you for …

    Задание 7. Расположите части делового письма (a-e) в правильном порядке (1-5):
    1.Heading ________________
    2.Inside address____________
    4.Body of the letter_________
    a)    Dear Mr Sawyer,
    b)    Thank you for your letter. I am afraid that we have a problem with your order. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of the part you wish to order have advised us that they cannot supply it until November. Would you prefer us to supply a substitute, or would you rather wait until the original parts are again available?
    c)    6 Pine Estate, Bedford Road, Bristol, UB28 12BP Telephone 9036 174369 Fax 9036 36924
    6 August 2005
    d)    I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,
    Simon Tramp Sales Manager
    e)    James Sawyer, Sales Manager, Electro Ltd, Perry Road Estate, Oxbridge UN54 42KF.

    Задание 8. Перед вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает:
    (1)    Foreign Language Institute 555 (2) Deer Run Lane Aurora, (3) CO 80014
    (4) Sandberg Educational, Inc
    (5) Orchard Ridge Corporate

    Building Two, Fields Lane
    (6) Brewster, NY 10509
    □    The street name in the mailing address
    □    The addressee’s company name
    □    The sender’s company name
    □    The street name in the return address
    □    The town in the mailing address
    □    The ZIP Code in the return address

    Задание 9. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите время в выделенных глагольных формах (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect):
    1.    I didn’t play tennis last week. (    )
    2.    He helps his father very often. (    )
    3. What will you be doing at 8 o’clock tomorrow? (    )
    4.    We are not drinking coffee now. (    )
    5.    How long have you been waiting for me? (    )
    6.    He was playing the piano from 5 till 8 yesterday. (    )
    7. By 9 o’clock she had washed the dishes. (    )

    8. By the time he comes, I’ll have done all my homework. (    )

    9. They have already arrived. (    )

    10. Next week I’ll be 25. (    )

    Задание 10.
    а. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous и переведите предложения на русский язык:
    1. We (not to watch) TV now. (    )

    2.    I (to learn) English for 3 month. (    )
    3.    He usually (to go) to the river for swim. (    )
    4.    She just (to eat). (    )    
    5.    They (not to eat) fish every day. (    )

    б. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect и переведите предложения на русский язык:
    1. He (to sleep) when father came. (    )

    2.    We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday. (    )
    3.    I (to go) to the cinema 2 days ago. (    )
    4.    By 2 o’clock yesterday the teacher (to examine) all the students. (    )
    5.    Kate gave me the book which she (to buy) the day before. (    )
    6.    My brother (not to play) tennis last week. (    )    

    в. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect и переведите предложения на русский язык:

    1.    I (to do) my homework from 3 till 6. (    )
    2.    I (to do) my homework by 3 o’clock. (    )
    3.    I promise I (to do) my homework next week. (    )
    4.    I (not to read) 20 pages by 5 tomorrow. (    )

    Задание 11.
    Вставьте off, in, out, up, down, on, чтобы закончить предложения, и переведите их на русский язык:
    1.    I went to the window and looked……..→
    2.    The door was open, so we came…...….→
    3.    There was a free chair, so I sat………..→
    4.    Hurry….…! We haven’t got much time. →
    5.    I turned ……..the light. →
    6.    It was cold, so I put …...my coat. →

    Задание 12. Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, could, should, can't, mustn't, needn't, и переведите предложения на русский язык:
    1.    ….… I take this book for a little? →
    2.    I …….. ski when I was young. →
    3.    You …….… work more seriously. →
    4.    He …… answer the question. It’s not difficult. →
    5.    You …….. respect your parents. →
    6.    My sister ……… write this letter, she is very busy. →
    7.    My sister ……. write this letter. She’ll phone them. →
    8.    You ………. make notes in the books. →

    Задание 13. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
    1.    He will be able to do it tomorrow.→
    2.    We were allowed to stay at home. →
    3.    She had to stay at home because she didn’t feel well. →
    4.    The lecture is to begin at eight. →
    5.    He must be busy. →
    6.    He must be sleeping. →
    7.    He must have lost your book. →
    8.    They may be watching TV. →
    9.    She can’t have left the country. →
    10. They can’t be at home now. →

    Задание 14. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите время в выделенных глагольных формах (Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive, Present Continuous Passive, Past

    Continuous Passive, Present Perfect Passive, Past Perfect Passive):    
    1.    These houses were built about 50 years ago. (    )
    2.    She is very often spoken about. (    )
    3.    The letter is being written by the secretary now. (    )
    4.    By 3 o’clock everything had been prepared. (    )
    5.    All these books have been read. (    )
    6.    They will be sent to Spain. (    )
        ________________ __________________________________________
    7.    They were being taught drawing at that lesson. (    )

    Задание 15. Выберите требующуюся форму глагола в соответствии с правилами согласования времён и переведите предложения на русский язык:
    1. She said that she ___________busy. →
    a. is    b. are    c. was

    2.    Tom said he __________ your address. →
    a. didn’t know    b. doesn’t know    c. don’t know

    3.    Tom said he _____________ your address. →
    a. knows    b. knew    c. know

    4.    My friends told me the exam _________ easy. →
    a. would be    b. will be    c. should be

    5.    I told him I ______________ my work. →
    a. have finished    b. had finished    c. has finished

    6.    He said that he ____________ a new car. →
    a. bought    b. had bought    c. has bought

    7.    The doctor told me ____________ the mouth. →
    a. opens    b. open    c. to open

    8.    He asked us ____________ noise. →
    a. not to make    b. don’t make    c. doesn’t make

    9. She asked if I often __________ chess. →
    a. play    b. played    c. plays

    10.    He wanted to know whether you ____________ the winter before. →
    a. skate    b. skated    c. had skated

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    Eleon2012 Прекрасный заказчик! Четкие задания, всегда на связи. Быстрая разблокировка!  
    DenisChigrev Работу делал два месяца, вместо договоренных трех недель. Всё время говорил, что некогда, исправляет какие-то ошибки. При этом делал работы тех, кто делал заявки позже меня. Когда он сделал мне работу, то она мне была уже не нужна. И в итоге отказался делать работы моим додногруппникам-должникам.    
    olga_1309 Большое спасибо за работу! Приятно иметь дело с надежным человеком!  
    myangel очень оперативное выполнение заказа, спасибо большое!  
    valnik Прекрасный автор, очень рекомендую!  
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    vladi_79 Спасибо за досрочную разблокировку!  
    e-wolfy Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    Catran Отличный исполнитель! Ответственный, корректный, помог с достаточно сложным заданием! Рекомендую!!!!  
    nwtu11 Спасибо за выполнение работы по Электронике  
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