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    Тест к занятию 3 по англ (26 вопр, МЭИ)

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    Тест к занятию 3 по англ (26 вопр, МЭИ)

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    Курс Иностранный язык делового общения (ИДДО Аттестация 01, 02, 03 2018) - Тест к занятию 3 (ИДДО, направления 01, 02 и 03)

    ЗАНЯТИЕ 3.
    1. Electricity plays such an important part in modern life that in order to get it,
    men have been burning millions of tons of coal. Coal is burned instead of its being
    mainly used as а source of valuable chemical substances which it contains.
    Therefore, finding new sources of electric energy is а most important problem that
    scientists and engineers try to solve. In this connection one might ask: "Is it
    possible to develop methods of harnessing lightning?" In other words, could
    atmospheric electricity be transformed into useful energy?
    2. Indeed, hundreds of millions of volts are required for а lightning spark
    about one and а half kilometre long. However, this does not represent very much
    energy because of the intervals between single thunderstorms. As for the power
    spent in producing lightning flashes all over the world, it is only about 1/10,000 of
    the power got by mankind fr om the sun, both in the form of light and that of heat.
    Thus, the source in question may interest only the scientists of the future.
    3. It has already been mentioned that atmospheric electricity is the earliest
    manifestation of electricity known to man. However, nobody understood that
    phenomenon and its properties until Веnjamin Franklin made his kite experiment.
    On studying the Leyden jar (for long years the only known condenser), Franklin
    began thinking that lightning was а strong spark of electricity. Не began
    experimenting in order to draw electricity from the clouds to the earth. The story
    about his famous kite is known all over the world.
    4. In the summer of 1747, Franklin and his son went into the country taking
    with them some necessary things such as: а kite with а long string, а key and so on.
    The key was connected to the lower end of the string. "If lightning is the same as
    electricity," Franklin thought, "then some of its sparks must come down the kite
    string to the key." Soon the kite was flying high among the clouds wh ere lightning
    flashed. However, the kite having been raised, some time passed before there was
    any proof of its being electrified. Then the rain fell and wetted the string. The wet
    string conducted the electricity from the clouds down the string to the key.
    Franklin and his son both saw electric sparks which grew bigger and stronger.
    Thus, it was proved that lightning is а discharge of electricity like that got from the
    batteries of Leyden jars.
    5. Franklin’s legendary kite experiment has become a part of American
    folklore. In 1753, Franklin was awarded the prestigious Copley Medal by the
    British Royal Society and in 1756 the Royal Society in London elected him its
    member. Franklin’s electrical writings were translated into French, German and
    Italian soon afterward.6. Trying to develop а method of protecting buildings during thunderstorms,
    Franklin continued studying that problem and invented the lightning metal
    conductor attached to the highest point on a house. The lightning hits the rod
    instead of the house, and the electrical current from the lightning goes into the
    ground and leaves the house undamaged. The principle of his lightning conductor
    is in use until now. Thus, protecting buildings from strokes of lightning was the
    first discovery in the field of electricity employed for the good of mankind.

    Вопрос 1 из 21
    Vocabulary: Choose the correct word or word combination.
    With the help of his son, Franklin attached his kite to a silk ..., tying an iron key at the other end.

    Вопрос 2 из 21
    Vocabulary: Choose the correct word or word combination.
    The experiment's purpose was to uncover then unknown facts about the nature of ... and electricity.

    Вопрос 3 из 21
    Vocabulary: Choose the correct word or word combination.
    Scientists have developed a power cell that ... electricity from algae [водоросли].

    Вопрос 4 из 21
    Vocabulary: Choose the correct word or word combination.
    The power got by mankind from the Sun ... the power pruduced by lightning flashes all over the world..
            much less than
            is equal to
            much greater than

    Вопрос 5 из 21
    Vocabulary: Choose the correct word or word combination.
    Lightning spark does not represent very much energy because ... .
            lightning spark is not more than 1,5 km long
            of the intervals between single thunderstorms
            hundreds of millions of volts are required for such a spark

    Вопрос 6 из 21
    Vocabulary: Choose the correct word or word combination.
    Now everybody knows that lightning is а very great flash of light resulting from …
            a thunder
            rain clouds
            а discharge of atmospheric electricity  

    Вопрос 7 из 21
    Comprehension: Choose the best way to finish the sentence.
    The principle of B.Franklin’s lightning conductor…
            has changed a lot since then
            is rather complicated
            is used now

    Вопрос 8 из 21
    Comprehension: Choose the best way to finish the sentence.
    Franklin continued studying atmospheric electricity …
            to develop а method of using lightinig as a source of energy
            to become a member of The Royal Society in London
            to develop а method of protecting buildings during thunderstorms

    Вопрос 9 из 21
    Comprehension: Choose the best way to finish the sentence.
    Franklin became а member the Royal Society in London in ….

    Вопрос 10 из 21
    Comprehension: Choose the best way to finish the sentence.
    B. Franklin’s experiment with kite proved that lightning is …
            а discharge of electricity
            a potential difference

    Вопрос 11 из 21
    Comprehension: Choose the best way to finish the sentence.
    Frinklin wanted to develop а method of protecting buildings, that is why he …
            tried to develop the principle of a lightning conductor
            made his legendary kite experiment
            invented the lightning conductor

    Вопрос 12 из 21
    Comprehension: Choose the best way to finish the sentence.
    Не began his kite experiment in order to …
            to develop а method of protecting buildings during thunderstorms
            to employ electricity for the good of mankind
            draw electricity from the clouds to the earth

    Вопрос 13 из 21
    Match the words and phrases with the definitions.
    to produce    
    to conduct    
    to mention    
    to require    
    to protect    
    to contain    
    to represent    
    to harness    
    to develop    
    to employ    

    Вопрос 14 из 21
    Match each paragraph with the correct heading. One heading is not used.
    PARAGRAPH 4    
    PARAGRAPH 6    
    PARAGRAPH 3    
    PARAGRAPH 5    
    PARAGRAPH 1    
    PARAGRAPH 2    

    Вопрос 15 из 21
    Find in the text English equivalents to the following expressions:
    впоследствии, позднее, позже, после, потом    
    вместо чего-л., взамен чего-л.    
    и так далее    
    вследствие этого; поэтому, следовательно    
    другими словами    
    подобный, похожий, сходный    
    так, таким образом    
    действительно; конечно, несомненно    
    данный, обсуждаемый, о котором идёт речь    
    для того, чтобы    

    Вопрос 16 из 21
    Decide if the following statements are FALSE or TRUE:
    Harnessing lightning is a challenge of the future.

    Вопрос 17 из 21
    Decide if the following statements are FALSE or TRUE:
    A Leyden jar is a device that "stores" static electricity between two electrodes of a glass jar.

    Вопрос 18 из 21
    Decide if the following statements are FALSE or TRUE:
    The wire conducted the electricity from the clouds down the string to the key.

    Вопрос 19 из 21
    Decide if the following statements are FALSE or TRUE:
    If the building has the lightning conductor the electrical current from the lightning goes into the ground.

    Вопрос 20 из 21
    Decide if the following statements are FALSE or TRUE:
    Coal is mainly used as а source of valuable chemical substances which it contains.

    Вопрос 21 из 21
    Decide if the following statements are FALSE or TRUE:
    Franklin’s electrical writings were translated into many languages in his lifetime.

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    Catran Отличный исполнитель! Ответственный, корректный, помог с достаточно сложным заданием! Рекомендую!!!!  
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