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    ВАРИАНТ №2

    1. Translate into Russian the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive.
    1. Police officers are devoting their efforts to collect sufficient evidence to bring gang leaders to justice.
    2. The evidence to be found at a crime scene is very important for the investigation.
    3. The crime to be investigated by Scotland Yard occurred on the Thames.
    4. The witness came to the court to prove our innocence.
    5. The officers of the Criminal Investigation Department collect facts to prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect.
    6. Justice in the United States to be administered equally by judges often depends on the sum of the money a person has.
    7. The main aim of militia is to maintain public order, to protect state and personal property.

    2. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form (Participle I, Participle II Active or Passive Voice). Translate the sentences.
    1. When (to bring) before a court, the offender was released on bail.
    2. (To suspect) of an offense, he was detained.
    3. The witness saw the thief (to steal) Ted’s car.
    4. Outside London the police are all  local forces, (to employ) and (to pay) by countries.
    5. Every person (to charge) with an offence is summoned to appear before a local magistrates` court.
    6. When (to leave) the crime scene the criminal left some traces.
    7. The woman felt a thief (to take) her bag.

    3. Find and underline the Gerund. Translate into Russian the sentences paying attention to the Gerund.
    1. The witness didn’t remember the suspect being seen at the crime scene.
    2. On arriving at the crime scene be ready to act or react to unexpected happenings.
    3. I remember driving along the road just before the accident happened.
    4. He was proud of having won his first case.
    5. Collection, recording and identification of any material helps the investigator in choosing a line of investigation.
    6. The job of detectives is to solve crimes by questioning victims, by accumulating physical evidence, by tracing stolen property.
    7. He can remember being in hospital.

    4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form (Present, Past, Future Tenses Active or Passive Voice). Translate the sentences.
    1. The case (to hear) in the local court next week.
    2. Witnesses often (to interview) at the scene of a crime immediately after reported violation.
    3. The evidence (to transport) to the laboratory for its examining a week ago.
    4. Most countries of the world (to sign) international agreements concerning the treatment of individuals.
    5. When the burglar was breaking into the house, he (not/to notice) a man who was sleeping in an armchair.
    6. After the accident the injured man (to take) to hospital.
    7. Fingerprints often (to find) in automobiles.

    5. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to Active or Passive Voice.
    1. Мировой суд в Англии разбирает гражданские дела.
    2. После приговора его направили  в тюрьму особого режима.
    3. Дело будет заслушиваться судом присяжных.
    4. Мы обсуждали эту проблему вчера на собрании.
    5. Суд вынес приговор на последнем слушанье.
    6. Преступник был признана виновным в убийстве.
    7. О нем говорили, когда вошел судья.

    6. Translate into Russian.

    What is a crime scene? The crime scene means the place or the area where the crime such as burglary, larceny, homicide, traffic crime or motor vehicle theft, etc. takes place. The scene is the central location toward which all evidence points before, during and after the crime.
    Crime scene search is an action of the investigator consisting of his direct sur¬vey of the happening, finding, collecting and protecting evidence to establish cir¬cumstances, which are significant for the investigation. To observe and examine a crime scene properly is essential for quick and accurate crime solution. It is one of the most important sources of information concerning commission of the crime, which enables the officer to answer with specific details the questions: What? Where? When? How? Why? Who? And what for?
    Not infrequently an experienced investigator manages to narrow the investigation and search down to a single individual after a careful study of the crime scene.
    The process of a crime scene search usually includes a preliminary, general observation, a detailed search and the final stages.
    At the preliminary stage the investigator keeps in mind the problems of ensuring crime scene protection, preparation of proper crime techniques, choosing and instructing witnesses, getting information of the happening.
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    Catran Отличный исполнитель! Ответственный, корректный, помог с достаточно сложным заданием! Рекомендую!!!!  
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