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    вар 4 From the history of coal mining

    Вариант 4
    1) определите инговые формы:
    a)    Participle I;
    b)    Gerund;
    c)    Verbal noun.
    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык.
    1. Existing hydrothermal solutions can be studied at hot springs such as those in the Cheleken Peninsula on the eastern edge of the Caspian Sea.
    2.    Exploration is the work involved in determining the location, size, shape, position, and value of an ore body using prospecting methods, geologic mapping and fHd investigations, remote sensing (aerial and satellite-borne sensor systems that detect ore- bearing rocks), drilling, and other methods.
    3.    The deep mine workings created problems with ventilation, lighting, and drainage in Ancient Rome.
    4.    Restoring ecology is the process of putting an ecosystem back to life fr om a traumatic experience in activities like mining.
    5.    It is most convenient to discuss hydrothermal mineral deposits in the context of their settings.
    6 Gold is so rare that the world pours more steel in an hour than it has poured gold since the beginning of recorded history.
    7 Alluvial diamond mining is an above ground form of mining which concentrates on gathering diamonds on the surface.

    8. After the Romans left Britain, in AD 410, there are no records of coal being used in the country until the end of the 12th century.
    2)    Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на союзы и на бессоюзную связь:
    1.    If mice run out of a mine, the mine will fall in.
    2.    The higher the number, the greater the purity.
    3.    If you are a pre-college student you can start preparing for a career in Earth science by enrolling in the college preparation program and doing well in all of your courses.
    4.    When the mine works out the mineral deposit it will be closed.
    3)    Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен:
    1.    Everyone knew that to work alone in the lower mines was to invite trouble fr om those who roamed the empty rooms (English miners’ superstitions).
    2.    Miners believed that mules could see ghosts and spirits, that the miners couldn't see (English miners’ superstitions).
    3.    They say that if you stand at the opening of a mine, even today you can hear them tapping away (English miners’ superstitions).
    4.    A medical study in France during the early twentieth century suggests that gold is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
    5.    The Greeks thought that gold was a dense combination of water and sunlight.
    4)    Вставьте глагол в нужной форме. Предложения переведите:
    1.    Gold (to know) to people for over 6000 years now.
    2.    In fact, most diamonds that (to date) are much older than Earth's first land plants.
    3.    Our climate (to change) and that change (to cause) by human activity.
    4.    Today we (to live) in a time when the Earth and its inhabitants (to face) many challenges.
    Ж Metal production in the United Kingdom (to decrease) over the past century.
    5)    Выберите предложения с синтаксическими комплексами:
    a)    сложное дополнение;
    b)    сложное подлежащее;
    c)    абсолютная причастная конструкция.
    Данные предложения переведите на русский язык:
    1.    The Greeks thought gold to be a dense combination of water and sunlight.
    2.    Some specialists consider it to be a combination of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.
    3.    Some scientists believe diamonds to be formed fr om coal.
    4.    Water is supposed to have come from comets hitting the Earth after the proto-crust solidified.
    5.    The original Earth was two-layered, with a body of deep water lying underneath the land rather than encircling it.
    6.    Similar to South Africa, Russia is thought to employ approximately 400 000 people m its gold mining industry.
    6) Переведите текст на русский язык со словарем:
    From the history of coal mining in Great Britain In Roman Britain, the Romans were exploiting all major coalfields (save those of North and South Staffordshire) by the late 2nd century AD. While much of its use remained local, a lively trade developed along the North Sea coast supplying coal to Yorkshire and London. This also extended to the continental Rhineland, wh ere bituminous coal was already used for the smelting of iron ore. It was used in hypocausts to heat public baths, the baths in military forts, and the villas of wealthy individuals. Excavation has revealed coal stores at many fo’ts along Hadrian's Wall, as well as the remains of a smelting industry at forts such as Longovicium nearby.
    After the Romans left Britain, in AD 410, there are no records of coal being used in the country until the end of the 12th century. Shortly after the signing of the Magna Carta, in 1215, coal began to be traded in areas of Scotland and the north-east England, wh ere the carboniferous strata wh ere exposed on the sea shore, and thus became known as "sea coal". As early as 1228, sea coal from the north¬east was being taken to London. During the 13th century, the trading of coal
    increased across Britain and by the end of the century most of the coalfields in England, Scotland and Wales were being worked on a small scale. During the first half of the 14th century coal began to be used for domestic  
    7) Составьте план к тексту в форме ключевых слов.
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