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    For most people the first banking service they take up is a cheque account.
    The cheque account provides:
    • a safe place for money
    • a quick and simple way to withdraw cash for your everyday needs
    • a convenient way to make all the payments you need to other people or other organisations
    With your cheque account comes your cheque book – and also (by arrangement) your cash dispenser card and your Cheque guarantee card.
    Bank cards
    “Plastic cards” available to bank customers include cheque guarantee card, credit cards and debit cards – all of which can help you pay for goods and services without carrying cash. This is an area which is rapidly developing and new products are always coming onto the market.
    Savings for future
    The banks offer a wide range of savings accounts. The interest paid varies according to the amount of savings in the account and the length of notice required for withdrawal. Generally, the more you save, the higher the interest rate is.
    With some savings accounts you can combine the convenience of a cheque book, with interest, as long as you keep a certain balance in the account.
    Credit cards
    Used wisely, credit cards are a convenient way of making purchases at the point-of-sale, while paying for them later. They are not a recommended way of borrowing money since the interest charged is relatively high.
    For large purchases, or for when you want to spread the cost over a long period of time, a personal loan could be more suitable. Sometimes you can arrange a shorter term overdraft with bank. Loans can also be arranged for specific needs – such as a home improvement loan. And of course the largest most important loan of all – for most of us – is the mortgage – a loan to buy a home over a period of perhaps 25 years.
    Nowadays more and more people are going abroad – whether for business or
    holiday. The banks provide a service here through supplying foreign currency,
    travellers cheques and eurocheques, together with advice on your trip.

    Текст №2
    Current accounts
    • What is a current account?
    The current account is an account for everyone. It is an account for receiving money fr om other people: wage-earners can have their wages paid into the account and businessmen can receive money fr om their customers.
    The current account is an account for paying your bills rent, subscriptions and other expenses. It’s the account with our cheque service. If you want to pay money to someone you just write a cheque or send us a credit transfer.
    The current account is an account for keeping your money safe. If you keep money in your current account you can go shopping without having to carry cash around with you. When you want to make a payment you simply fill in the amount on a cheque and hand it, together with your cheque card, to the cashier in the shop.
    • How do you know what’s in your account?
    We’ll send you regular statements telling you exactly what has been debited or credited to your account.
    • What are the other advantages?
    As a current account holder you can make use of all our other banking services. You can send money abroad, buy and sell stock and shares place standing orders or authorise direct debits. You will be welcome to apply for an overdraft or other loan facilities. We’ll always be around to help you in all money matters.
    • How much does it cost?
    There will be a small basic charge every entry month and an even smaller additional charge for every entry. The charges are debited once a quarter and will appear on your bank statement. We are sure you’ll soon find out that your current account saves you a lot more money that it costs.
    Savings accounts
    • What is a saving account?
    The savings account is an account for money that you do not need for day-today
    expenses. You can open a savings account with as little as 5.00 DM. Whenever you want to save a sum of money you just go to the bank and pay it in.
    Every private customer should have a savings account as a basis for major investments or to cope with unexpected expenses. Many parents open savings accounts for their children.
    If you need money you can withdraw up to 2,000 DM in any 30 days without having to give notice. If you need more than 2,000 DM you have to give three month’s notice or you will lose interest.
    • How do you know what’s in your account?
    When you open your savings account you receive a passbook or savings book. Every deposit and withdrawal is entered in it. So you always have a complete written record of everything that happens to your account. The interest that your money earns is also recorded.
    • What are the advantages?
    Any money put into your savings account begins earning interest fr om the day we receive it. The interest rate may vary fr om time to time according to the long-term money market rate, but we aim to keep it as high and as constant as possible.
    You can pay money into your savings account at any branch of the national Bank throughout the country. And you can withdraw up to 2,000 DM on demand at any National Bank branch, as long as you bring your passbook.
    • How much does it cost?

    Savings accounts are free of charge. We think this makes them even more profitable for you.
    • Anything else to think about?
    You can earn a higher rate of interest if you arrange for special periods of notice, e.g. one, two or four years.
    As a current account holder you can place a standing order with us for regular transfers to your savings account. You can even tell us to transfer on a certain day of each month all the money that is left in your current account on that day.

    Credit cards are issued by credit card companies working closely with all the main banks. When a credit card company lets you have a credit card it assumes that you are a responsible person who will be able to afford the purchases you make using the card.
    Every credit card holder is given a credit lim it. You can’t owe more than this figure at any time.
    Each bank does not actually run its own credit card scheme. Instead, separate credit card operations - such as Access and Visa - have been set up by the banks working together. The two worldwide schemes are Mastercard and Visa.
    Your bank is probably linked to one of these credit card companies. So your credit card may have Visa on it - with the name of your bank also appearing. A credit card enables you to purchase goods or services immediately (shop, restaurant, garage, etc) without using cash or a cheque. The main purpose of credit cards is convenience in paying for something.
    The supplier of these goods and services must belong to one of the credit card schemes. There are over 250,000 which do - displaying a sign for the particular schemes to which they belong.

    Each supplier has a lim it for credit card purchases Beyond this amount, it will have to check with the credit card company by phone before accepting your credit card - a protection against fraud. Each time you use a credit card, you sign a sales voucher made up of three copies:
    you are given one copy for your records
    another copy is kept by the supplier
    the third copy is paid into the supplier's bank account –  and from there it goes to the credit card company’s head office.
    The credit card company will send you a statement of what you owe every month. You should check each voucher you have kept with the figure on the statement.
    The statement will clearly show the date on which you should pay in full the amount you owe if you are avoid paying interest. So in effect you can get free credit for the period running from the date of your purchase to the date when the statement says your payment should be received.
    If you don’t pay in full by the date indicated you will be charged interest. So, to avoid paying interest, you will have to repay the full amount each month. In any case you will have to pay back a minimum amount each month and this amount is indicated on your statement.
    For example: If you use your credit card the day after your statement date, you would have more than 50 days’ free credit before paying.

    ТЕКСТ №4
    Eurocheque - together with the Eurocheque card - can be usуd throughout Europe - at location identified by the red and blue EC symbol. You can use them:
    •    in banks - to obtain foreign currency
    •     in retails outlets (hotels, shops, restaurants) to pay for goods and services
    How it works
    •    You obtain your Eurocheque Card plus Eurocheques you need from your bank. (No charge is made for the Eurocheque)
    •    A fee is charged for your card (which la usually valid for three years).
    •    Each Eurocheque is valid / guaranteed for a maximum of 100 pounds when presented with a Eurocheque Card.
    •    You write out each Eurocheque in the local currency.
    •    Each transaction you make using Eurocheques will be debited to current/personal account - and will show up on your statement converted into pound sterling.
    Credit cards
    You can use a credit card abroad in just the same way as here in the UK.
    All outlets displaying the Eurocard, "Mastercard or "Visa" symbol will accept any credit cards you have obtained through your bank.
    When you use a credit card, the sales voucher you sign is made out in the local currency. It is converted to pounds when the credit card company gets its copy of the sales voucher.
    Cards for cash - Counter transactions and through machines
    Some Eurocheque Cards and all credit cards can be used to obtain local currency (cash) in most countries. As well as over-the-country transactions, some cards can also be used to operate cash dispenser machines in .some countries.
    Rate of exchange
    What your pounds will buy abroad depends very much on the exchange rate at the time between the pound and the foreign currency of the country wh ere you are on holiday. You can find details of the current exchange rate from newspapers, travel agents or banks before you set off, but remember by the time you arrive at your destination the rate could have changed.
    Changing your money
    You can find money-changing facilities in places such as: Ports, Airports, Banks, Bureaux de Change, Hotels, Camp sites, Department stores
    Getting the best rate of exchange
    Whenever money is changed from one currency to another, the organization providing the services charges a fee (this should be a small percentage of the sum being changed)
    This fee is deducted from the amount of foreign currency each of your pound would buy at the official exchange rate.
    So the higher the exchange rate you are offered abroad, the more foreign currency your pound buys.
    Not every organization makes the same charge for this service. Some charge commission rates are lower than others. So it is worth shopping around for the best rate you can find.
    Travel Insurance
    Banks provide many types of Insurance cover, such as:
    •    cancellation of holiday and delays
    •    theft or loss of personal property and cash
    •    accident
    •    sudden illness
    •    car breakdown

    Текст №5
    Many customers see cash dispensers as a welcome alternative to making withdrawals at the counter. Here is an extract from a brochure which Barclays Bank gives its current account holders to explain how their machines work.
    Barclays cash dispensers
    Quick and easy access to your account
    Barclays cash dispensers form part of a network of over 5,200 machines in the UK, enabling you to withdraw cash from any cash dispensers belonging to Barclays. Bank, Lloyds Bank; The Royal Bank of Scotland and the Bank of Scotland. Use of the Barclaybank network is free and our cash dispensers are operational night and day. So you can use them at any time you want.
    And we are continuing to expand this network by installing cash dispensers in places which are most convenient for you; for example, supermarkets, motorway, service stations, hotels, hospitals, company premises and airports. Both our Barclays Connect and Barclaybank cards enable to access your current account through the cash dispensers. If you would like to for a card, simply complete the attached application form and take it to your branch. Once your application is approved you should receive your card within 14 days.
    Having successfully applied for a card, you will be given your own Personal Identification Number (PIN), known only to you and the .Bank’s central computing system. This number is used in conjunction with the card to obtain access to your current account or Barclaycard account.
    No one can access your account, as your PIN is known only to you,
    Your PIN is exclusively for your own use and must never be disclosed to anyone else.
    How does the cash dispenser work?
    We’ve made sure that all Barclays cash dispensers are quick and easy to use. So simple that it rarely takes more than a minute to complete your transaction. Once you’ve put your card in, the machine gives you step-by- step instructions on how to use it. The machine then returns your card, ready to use again whenever you need it.
    If you are hot quite sure how to operate the machine, just call into your local branch, wh ere they will be pleased to explain how it works.
    How can I check the transactions I make?
    When you use a Barclays cash request an advice slip which records the date, the location and the amount of cash you have withdrawn. This information is also recorded on your bank statement which enables you to double-check the details, whichever type of machine you use.
    What if I lose my card or have forgotten my PIN?
    If you lose your card or believe that your PIN is known to someone else, you must let the Bank know immediately. You can inform any Barclays branch during office hours or telephone the 24 hour number.
    Usage of the card will then be stopped immediately.
    If you have forgotten your PIN, just contact your branch. They will be happy to Instruct the computer system to remind you of your PIN or issue you with a new one. Please note that cards are occasionally retained by cash dispensers for one of the following reasons:
    •    they are out of date
    •    an incorrect PIN has been punched three consecutive times
    •    the Bank has been informed that the card is lost or stolen
    •    you fall to respond, after 20 seconds, to a machine prompt asking If you want more time.

    Текст № 6
    Understanding Banking Series
    Planning ahead
    Think about your holiday money well beforehand.
    How will you pay abroad
    The bank provides a range of services specially designed for the holiday-maker going abroad. Most holiday-makers' needs should be covered by a "mix" of two or more of the following:
    •    cash (foreign currency)
    •    travellers’ Cheques
    •    eurocheques (+ Eurocheque Card)
    •    credit card
    It's best to order the currency you need from your bank well in advance. Some countries have restrictions on the amount of currency you can take in and bring out and your bank will advise you about these.
    Travellers' cheques
    You can buy sterling (pounds) travellers' cheques from the bank before you go on holiday, they are supplied in denominations of 10, 20. 50 and 100 pounds -and each cheque will have its own identification number. (Yen will get a "pack" made up of the denominations you ask for)
    You will be asked to sign each cheque, (to provide a simple signature for when you want to cash them.)
    You can also buy travellers' cheques in major currencies. If you were going to, say, America it might be advantageous to take travelers' cheques -your bank will advise you on this. Each cheque can be changed into cash- foreign currency - once you are abroad. You can also use them to pay bills in hotels.
    Cashing a travellers' cheque
    You countersign the cheque in front of the bank cashier or any other person who is supplying the foreign currency (the signature is already on the cheque).
    You will also have to show your passport as identification.
    You have to pay the local charge (commission) for changing money.
    Travellers cheques provide some extra security for the holiday maker.
    If you lose them, you should be able to get them refunded or replaced so long as you:
    •    had signed each cheque when you secured them from your bank
    •    hadn't countersigned them
    So remember:
    •    make a note of the Identification number and value of each cheque (keep this record separate from the cheques themselves).
    •    make a note of the telephone number of your bank as well. This will speed up the process of replacing any cheques which are lost or stolen.
    Never countersign your cheques in advance.

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