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    Задание X. Задайте вопрос к подчеркнутой части предложения.
    1.     Rob Roy Macgregor is a Scottish folk hero.
    2.     The Inner Hebrides lie close to the West coast.
    3.     One of the famous islands of the Inner Hebrides is Iona.
    4.     Even small towns of the country offer a wide range of entertainments.
    5.     To the South are the hills, deep rivers and green pastures.

    Задание XI. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму (Present Simple).
    1.     Everyone in the country has the right of freedom of opinion.
    2.     There are 3 main political parties in Great Britain.
    3.     The Royal Castle of Edinburgh is the symbol of Scotland.
    4.     The old castle offers a striking contrast to the New town.
    5.     The museum holds an outstanding collection of paintings.

    Задание XII. Образуйте разделительный вопрос к следующим предложениям.
    1.     Scotland covers 30,000 square kilometers, ...?
    2.     The main British parties have separate organizations in Scotland, ...?
    3.     Chief mineral resource of Scotland is coal, ...?
    4.     Most historians agree that the first man appeared in Scotland in 6,000 B.C., ...?
    5.     The major cities of Scotland are Edinburgh and Glasgow ...?

    Контрольная работа 2
    Вариант 1
    Вариант 1 выполняют студенты, чья фамилия начинается с букв А, Б, В, Г.
    Задание I. Прочитайте и переведите текст.
    Washington, The Nation’s Capital
    Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River. Washington does not belong to a state. It is a city and a district - the District of Columbia (D.C.). The district is a piece of land ten miles square. The city is named in honor of the nation’s first President George Washington. The district is named in honor of Columbus, the discoverer of America. Don’t confuse it with the state of Washington, which lies in the north west of the United States.
    President Washington chose the place for the District and laid the corner stone of the Capitol, where Congress sits. The metropolitan area has a population of nearly three million.
    Along the banks of the Potomac River there are many green parks and gardens. In 1912 Japan presented America with famous 3,000 cherry trees. These flowering cherry trees are still a major attraction for visitors and residents in the early days of spring.
    The most beautiful park in metropolitan Washington is Great Falls Park split in two by the waterfalls fr om the Virginia side.
    Washington has many libraries, museums, art galleries and beautiful buildings. The library of Congress is the largest national library in the world. The National Gallery houses one of the greatest art collections of the world.
    There is the famous Pentagon in Washington. The Pentagon is the military centre of the United States. There is also the NASA Museum in Washington. This museum is devoted to the US achievements in the exploration of Space.

    Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
    1.     Where is Washington, D.C., situated?
    2.     What does “D.C.” stand for?
    3.     What was the gift fr om Japan that is still a major attraction for visitors?
    4.     What famous building is there in Washington?

    Задание II. Поставьте глаголы в скобках (время Past Simple).
    1.     In 1605 the first Europeans (to come) to Manhattan from Holland.
    2.     In 1613 the Dutch (to found) a city there and (to give) it the name “New Amsterdam”.
    3.     The English (to take) over the city in 1626 and (to rename) it after the Duke of York (Герцог Йоркский).
    4.     During the War of Independence New York (to be) an important political centre and for five years from 1788 till 1790, the Capital of the U.S.A.
    5.     In 1812 the first Russian settlement (to appear) on the American continent (about 80 kilometers from San Francisco).

    Задание III. Поставьте предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные формы (вопрос к подчеркнутой части предложения) в Past Simple.
    1.     Many Scandinavians immigrated to this country in the last half of the twentieth century and the first part of the twentieth century.
    2.     More than a million Norwegians came during this time.
    3.     Columbus made four voyages to Central America between 1492 and 1504.
    4.     The first English colonists landed in the South in the late sixteenth century.
    5.     In the 1620s and the 1630s leaders of religious groups from England established new colonies in the territory that they called New England.

    Задание IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив время Past Simple или Past Continuous.
    1.     Americans (to proclaim) the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, when the American colonies (to fight) for independence against England.
    2.     The men from the “Mayflower” (to look for) a good place to live during five weeks and soon they (to find) such a place.
    3.     At that time the American colonies (to become) stronger and (to establish) their own industry, agriculture and trade.
    4.     The United States (to acquire) Florida from Spain in 1819.
    5.     Thousands of people (to travel) to California in search of gold the whole year (1848-1849).
    Text 6 George Washington
    The first US President known to all Americans as “The Father of the Nation” was George Washington. George was born in Virginia in a planter’s family. When the boy was eleven his father died. The family had a lot of land but not enough money to send George to school in England as rich families used to do at that time.
    G. Washington began his career in the service of his country as a major in the Virginia militia and later became Commander in Chief of the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War. He was among those who wrote the US Constitution in Philadelphia. People respected him for his courage, honesty and wisdom.
    After the Revolutionary War Washington wanted to retire and live at Mount Vernon wh ere he had a beautiful house and a big plantation. But he knew that his duty was to serve his country. He hurried off to New York City which was the capital then. On April 30, 1789, before a large crowd Washington promised to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”. So, George Washington became the first President of the country and served two terms. He refused the third term and in 1797 he retired to Mount Vernon wh ere he died two years later.

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