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    Переведите письменно текст. PROFESSIONA

    Задание 1. Переведите письменно текст.
    Although many kinds of people working in or studying legal affairs are called lawyers, the word really describes a person who has the right to act in certain legal matters. Most countries have different groups of lawyers who each take a particular kind of examination in order to qualify to do particular jobs.
    In Japan, a lawyer must decide whether he wants to take the examination to become an attorney, a public prosecutor or a judge.
    In England, the decision is between becoming a barrister or a solicitor. Barristers specialize in arguing cases in front of a judge and have the right to be heard, the right of audience, even in the highest courts. They are not paid directly by clients, but are employed by solicitors. Judges are usually chosen from the most senior barristers. When they are appointed they cannot continue to practice as barristers, as well as doing legal work which does not come before a court, such as drawing up wills , and dealing with litigation which is settled out of court. Solicitors also have a right of audience in lower courts, but in higher court, such as the Court of Appeal, they must have a barrister argue their clients`s case.
    In general, it can be said that a barrister spends most of his time either in a courtroom or preparing his arguments for the court and a solicitor spends most of his time in an office giving advice to clients, making investigations and preparing documents. If you have committed a serious offence, you need a barrister. But you cannot see him without your solicitor being with him.

    Задание №2. Дайте письменные ответы на следующие вопросы:
    1.    What does the word “lawyer” mean?
    2.    What two types of lawyers are there in England?
    3.    What is the main job of a barrister in England?
    4.    Who are the judges chosen from?
    5.    What job cannot the judges do?
    6.    What functions do the solicitors have in lower and higher court?
    7.    What is the difference between functions of the barristers and the solicitors?
    8.    What must a person do at first, if he has committed a serious crime?

    Задание №3. Завершите следующие высказывания согласно содержанию текста:
    1.    The lawyers are the people, who … .
    2.    There are two main classes of lawyers in England: … and ….
    3.    Barristers are experts in ….
    4.    The judges are chosen from ….
    5.    They have no authority ….
    6.    Solicitors also work on court cases for their clients but … .
    7.    The main functions of barristers in a courtroom are … , while solicitors are to … in an office.
    8.    When committing a crime people must … .

    Задание №4. Определите, какой частью речи являются подчёркнутые в тексте слова.
    To act         

    Задание №5. Употребите глаголы в скобках в нужной видовременной форме и залоге. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    The US President (to elect) for a term of four years.
    2.    The case (to hear) by magistrates` court tomorrow.
    3.    After the Norman Conquest double jurisdiction (to survive) in the local courts.
    4.    The judge (to make) notes during the trial at this moment.
    5.    The results of international police cooperation (to induce) already national authorities to revise their policies.
    6.    New ministers of the British Cabinet (to appoint) by the newly elected Prime Minister.
    7.    A supplementary system of Law (to come) into being during Middle Ages.
    8.    Forms and rules of parliamentary procedure (to date) back to the early 16th century.
    9.    The investigator (to arrive) at the crime scene before the experts left.
    10.    Some new facts about this crime (to give) by these witnesses in two days.

    Задание №6. Выпишите из данных предложений субъектный инфинитивный оборот (конструкцию “Сложное подлежащее“). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    The Security Council is known to have primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.
    2.    The state is known to be a historical category to be found only at some periods of social development.
    3.    A constitution is said to be “written” when the most important constitutional laws are enacted.
    4.    Law seems to exist apart from man and is not even noticed by him until somebody violates its orders.
    5.    Criminality is considered to be a social phenomenon.

    Задание №7. Выпишите из данных предложений объектный инфинитивный оборот (конструкцию “Сложное дополнение“). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    The defendant wanted his case to be tried before a jury.
    2.    Everybody in the courtroom wished the offender to be acquitted.
    3.    The people want the public order to be always maintained.
    4.    We all know him to be a highly qualified detective.
    5.    The investigator expected him to give all information about that fact.

    Задание №8. Употребите глаголы в нужной форме времени и залога, соблюдая правило согласования времен. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.    We wanted to know how many cases (to try) by a magistrate monthly.
    2.    The lecturer said that this complex problem (to review) by a special committee the next week.
    3.    The investigator acknowledged that his work (to be) of great significance for the coming trial.
    4.    In his report the professor stated that the new laboratory (to make) a lot of research lately.
    5.    The commander asked us what problem we (to discuss) then.

    Задание №9. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную. Переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
    1.    The witness told the court, “I have never seen the accused before”.
    2.    The officer inquired, “What were you doing, when I came in?”.
    3.    ”Did any of you actually see the accident happen?” said the policeman.
    4.    He said to her, “How long have you stayed in New York?”.
    5.    ”Why aren`t you taking the exams?” asked our commander.

    Задание №10. Задайте вопросы, ответами на которые являются следующие предложения:
    1.    The district court will hear this case next week.
    2.    The number of violent crimes grew by 10 from 1995 to 2005.
    3.    Some police departments have special rules for their civil employees.
    4.    Our listeners have attended a four-week refreshing course this year.
    5.    The witness is giving a lot of important information about this crime.
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    Egor_196 Подвел исполнитель. Работу не прислал. Кормит обещаниями. Зря потраченное время    
    Руслан63 Большое спасибо за проделанную работу!  
    DenisChigrev Денис, спасибо за всё! Справился  с работами в короткие сроки! Всё сделал качественно, вовремя, ещё раз спасибо, Вы-самый классный исполнитель!  
    Masha83 Большое спасибо! Буду рад продолжению сотрудничества!  
    Kramer Взялась за срочную работу, потом еще подтвердила, что пришлет ночью. В итоге работы нет и даже на сайт не зашла, чтобы что-то ответить((    
    _Любовь_ Благодарю за качественное выполнение заказа, буду рад работать с Вами еще!  
    c264 Большое спасибо за оперативное выполнение!  
    374818 Constантин Все кратко и по делу! Крутой дядька! Рекомендую!  
    tango Большое спасибо за работы!  
    Nata0610 Давно сотрудничаю с Натальей. Всегда уверена в качестве работ, аккуратности оформления и сроках выполнения. Отдельная благодарность за готовность всегда прийти на помощь даже по специфическим заказам.  
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