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    Перепишите следующие предложения, подчер

    Контрольная работа № 3
    Вариант 1
    1.     Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них гла¬гол-сказуемое, определите его время, вид и залог. Переведите пред-ложения на русский язык.
    Например:    is based - Pr. Simple Passive
    1.     Despite the apparent properties of compound semiconductors, their general use has not been great because of several limitations.
    2.     The potential difference across the junction had been increased.
    3.     Magnetic amplifiers have been employed for some 50 years; transistors were reported upon in 1948.
    4.     Sometimes a decision to compute is followed by a process of selecting the particular kind of computing machine, which best suits for the given problem.
    5.     Our rockets, the first in the world, were being sent to other planets.
    6.     This problem must be approached from another point of view.
    7.     This job cannot be done for a short period, you need at least a month.
    8.     It is 20 years since he left home, and he has never been heard of since.
    9.     Tell him he is being waited for.
    10.     L. Carroll is remembered not as a mathematician but as the author of Alice in Wonderland.

    2.     Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях в стра-дательном залоге, стараясь сохранить время.
    1.     ? built these houses about 25 years ago.
    2.     ? must keep the sick child warm.
    3.     ? has translated Shakespeare's plays into many languages.
    4.     ? will open the new University next October.

    3.      Из данных слов постройте предложения. Глаголы в скобках поставьте в нужной форме страдательного залога.
    1.     will be (to teach) - Mr Green - this class - next year.
    2.     this film - at least a million people - has been (to see).
    3.     prefer - men - to be (to teach) - most boys.
    4.     was (to head) - the Minister of Foreign Affairs - the delegation - by.
    5.     Oxford - he - at - was (to educate).

    4.     Трансформируйте предложения в активный залог, используя сло-ва they, we, somebody в качестве подлежащего, где это необходимо.
    1.     Food is eaten with chopsticks in China.
    2.     It was decided to refer the problem to a committee.
    3.     When much material had been looked through and some problems had been solved, the article was published.
    4.     Electric cars will be widely used in future.
    5.     The radar has been used for automatic control of ground transport.

    5.     Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предло-жения, обращая внимание на различные значения глаголов to do, to be, to have.
    1.     You have to come to the language laboratory as often as possible.
    2.     This material does not possess elastic properties.
    3.     The exam was to start in the morning.
    4.     These computers will have to perform millions of operations.
    5.     The speed of electrons is almost the same as that of light.
    6.     The kind of electrolyte used has no effect on the electromotive force.
    7.     Man has made numerous inventions to increase the range of radio and TV transmissions.
    8.     Our task is to buy all their equipment.
    9.     What kinds of operations does the modern computer perform?
    10.     Don't do it!

    6.    Трансформируйте следующие предложения в придаточные до-полнительные, начав с фраз I knew, I thought, He said. Измените вре¬мя глаголов-сказуемых в придаточных дополнительных в соответ¬ствии с правилами согласования времен. Произведите другие необ¬ходимые преобразования.
    1.     My friend was born in Moscow, and since that time he has been living there.
    2.     The goods that have been exported from Sweden are of high quality.
    3.     The books you need are in great demand everywhere.
    4.     The letter of congratulation was sent in advance, and they certainly have got it.
    5.     Various registers are interconnected.
    6.     Each storage location in the storage section is numbered, like post-office boxes.
    7.     We must get the samples. I admit the complexity of this.
    8.     Franklin didn't know what electricity was, but he knew it could be passed through a metal wire.
    9.     A high level language is a language in which each instruction or statement corresponds to several machine code instructions.
    10.     The printers are used only as output units.

    7.     Перепишите следующий диалог с целью передачи чужих высказываний в косвенной речи сначала в настоящем времени (напри¬мер: Professor says that Alec's answer was rather good and...), а затем в прошедшем (например: Professor said that Alec s answer had been rather good and...). Помните, что при передаче чужого высказывания в косвенной речи действует правило согласования времен, если кос-венная речь вводится глаголом в прошедшем времени!
    Professor: Your answer was rather good. Would you answer a few extra questions?
    Alec: I'll try.
    Professor: What can the computer do with the information?
    Alec: It can calculate, compare and copy the information stored in its memory.
    Professor: What kinds of memory do you know?
    Alec: RAM and ROM.
    Professor: What is RAM?
    Alec: RAM stands for Random Access Memory, because information can be transferred into and out of any single byte of memory.
    Professor: And what does ROM stand for?
    Alec: ROM is Read Only Memory. It is a firmmade permanent memory chip for program storage.
    Professor: Good. Your answers are excellent.
    Alec: Thank you, Professor. I'm pleased, as Programming has always been my favourite subject.

    8.     Передайте диалог, пересказанный в косвенной речи, в прямой речи.
    When Alec and Bob met Alec said that he had some questions about the computer interface. So he wanted Bob to explain some aspects to him. Bob answered in the positive.
    The first question Alec asked concerned the notion of an interface. He added that people often used the English equivalent of that term and seemed not to differentiate between the types of interfaces. Bob explained that the interface was an interconnection between hardware, software and people. When Alec inquired what hardware interface consisted of Bob told that that type of the interface consisted of physical channels, cables, or wires that connected and exchanged electronic signals between CPU and peripherals or between any two units.
    Then Alec was interested to learn what software interfaces connected in particular and Bob told that they were specific messages established between programs. Alec remembered that software interfaces were application programs, Data Base Management Systems and the operating programs. He thanked Bob and added that he felt ready to pass his exam in programming successfully.

    9.     Сгруппируйте предложения в зависимости от функции герун¬дия, а затем переведите на русский язык.
    1.     Casting is a process of forming metal objects.
    2.     Numerous methods have been developed for producing metal castings.
    3.     The test needed increasing the temperature of the metal.
    4.     There are some ways of obtaining high quality alloys.
    5.     Aluminum has a melting point of 658.7 °C.
    6.     Melting may be done in cupolas, air furnaces, electric furnaces, etc.
    7.     Some metals require treatment before being placed in the melting furnace.
    8.     We know of electric furnaces being used for the production of high-grade castings.
    9.     Plastics are a new group of materials replacing natural products.
    10.     We know of Newton's having developed principles of mechanics.

    10.     Перепишите предложения. Переведите группы выделенных слов, а затем и все предложение на русский язык.
    1.     In building new metallurgical factories, engineers have to solve many different problems.
    2.     In melting steel, electric furnaces, crucible furnaces and converters are used.
    3.     Liquids and gases expand on heating.
    4.     On completing the construction, the machine was tested in operation.
    5.     Casting is a process of forming metal objects by melting metal and pouring it into molds.
    6.     By introducing new methods the engineers increased the speed of manufacture.
    7.     High-quality programs can't be produced without employing qualified programmers.
    8.     Magnets made by rubbing pieces of iron against natural magnets are called artificial magnets.
    9.     Scientists succeeded in developing means of obtaining a synthetic rubber.
    10.     The hardening process consists in heating steel and cooling it in water.

    11.     Сравните приводимые ниже предложения с инфинитивом и покажите разницу их структурных моделей через перевод.
    1.     То obtain steel of the desired quality is the main subject of the experiments carried out in the research laboratory. To obtain steel of the desired quality the research laboratory carried out a lot of experiments.
    2.     To develop a new method of cutting metals was necessary. To develop a new method of cutting metals the engineers made some interesting experiments.
    3.     To design new machine tools a mechanical engineer must study much. To design new machine tools is the task of a mechanical engineer

    12.     Перепишите и переведите на русский язык предложения с ин-финитивом в функции определения.
    1.     Engineers must know the best and most economical materials to use and understand the properties of these materials and how they can be worked.
    2.     Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part.
    3.     The problem to be discussed at the conference is of great importance.
    4.     Much was done to make the work of engineers easier.
    5.     Russian scientists were the first to synthesize diamonds.
    6.     The road to be built next year will connect these two towns.

    13.     Определите, является ли V-ing форма причастием настоящего времени или герундием. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1.     While decoding was taking place, other parts of the control section were prepared for the following operation.
    2.     We can get a better idea of the use and operation of a computer by looking at an example.
    3.     Programming with machine language requires knowledge of the computer and its internal connections.
    4.     Assembly language programming is easier to use.
    5.     Everything we supply to the computer for processing must be converted into binary form.
    6.     The cells are arranged as groups, storing a number of bits together as a byte.
    7.     Obtaining a byte from storage and moving it to the control block is called the fetch part of the computation cycle.
    8.     Input to the register is called data, and is in the form of one binary digit following the other.
    9.     The register is capable of processing four bits.
    10.     The table accompanying Fig. 1 will help follow data through the register.

    14.     Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующий текст.
    Computers may have a short history but prior to their development, there were many other ways of doing calculations. These calculations were done using devices that are still used today; the slide rule being a perfect example, not to mention the ten fingers of the hands. These machines, unlike computers, are non-electronic and were replaced by faster calculating devices. It wasn't until the mid-1940s that the first digital computer was built. The post-war industrial boom saw the development of computers take shape. By the 1960s, computers were faster than their predecessors and semiconductors had replaced vacuum tubes only to be replaced in a few years by tiny integrated circuit boards. Due to microminiaturization in the 1970s, these circuits were etched onto wafer-thin rectangular pieces of silicon. This integrated circuitry is known as a chip and is used in microcomputers of all types.
    It has been forecasted that exceptionally faster and smaller computers will replace those in use today.
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