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    Variant 4
    Text 1
    1. Read the article. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space (1–10).
    By the middle of the 18th century, however, the childhood of the steamengine was already drawing to an end. A young Scotsman by 1……of James Watt, the fifth son of a ship’s carpenter gave the machine its most efficient form – and thereby helped to revolutionize the British way of life. He was a weakly child, suffering fr om headaches and unable to go to school. His mother taught him, and as soon as James could read he began to devour books. At the age of 15 he had learnt most of what was then known about physics, and his father sent him to Glasgow to study advanced mechanics. Later, his professor helped him to set himself up as an instrument-maker and ‘machine-doctor’ in a shop in the University building. One day in 1763 – Watt was 27 years old – he was 2……to repair a small model of a Newcomen engine, which was needed for the natural-science lectures. The little machine refused to work properly, stopping again and again after a few strokes of the piston. Watt examined it 3……... It had a boiler in which the steam was produced. At the bottom of the cylinder were two valves, one to admit the steam and the other to let a jet of cold water cool the 4…….when the piston had reached its highest point .This caused the steam to condense – and as steam takes up 1,700 times more space than water a vacuum was created under the piston, and it was forced down by the pressure of the atmosphere. It was this idea of the separate 5……which made the steam-engine the first great prime mover in modern times. Now the cylinder could remain hot, without having to be cooled and reheated with each cycle; he even put a steam jacket around of 6…..which the Newcomen engine needed. He also closed the upper end of the cylinder, which was open in the Newcomen engine, and built around the piston rod what is now called a stuffing-box; instead of making the air push the piston down he used steam for this purpose too, introducing it above the piston as well as below in the cylinder. The fourth of his improvements was an air pump to 7……….the vacuum on his condenser by pumping out the condensed water and air fr om it. Watt’s first model was single acting and could be used only for pumping. But great many tasks were awaiting the 8............. New machines in various branches of industry 9........power; goods 10......be moved, people transported.

    1 А. the headline         В. the name             С. the call
    2 A. asked             В. told             С. said
    3 A. attentively         B. carefully             C. properly
    4 A. heating system     B. heat-transfer         C. cylinder
    5 A. condenser         B. heat-transfer         C. furnace system
    6 A. the water         B. the fuel             C. the steam
    7 A. maintain         B. control             C. keep
    8 A. steam-engine         B. heat-transfer         C. cylinder
    9 A. required         B. needed             C. considered
    10 A. were to         B. will             C. can be

    Text 2
    2. Match the questions (A–F) to the statements (1–5), as in the example (0).
    A. What appliance did Thomas Savery invent?
    B. Where did the Watt steam engines replace Newcomen engines?
    C. What made the appliance impracticable?
    D. What was the engine able to do?
    E. What principle was the Newcomen engine based on?
    F. What was new about the Watt steam engine?
    0. In 1698, the English mechanical designer Thomas Savery invented a steam pumping appliance that drew water directly fr om a well by a vacuum, then sent it up to a higher level by steam pressure.
    1. The appliance was also proposed for draining mines, but its pumping height was limited, making this impracticable. It consumed a large amount of fuel compared with later engines.
    2. The solution to draining deep mines was found by Thomas Newcomen who developed an “atmospheric” engine also working on the vacuum principle. The Newcomen engine was more powerful than the Savery engine.
    3. For the first time water could be raised from a depth of over 150 feet. The engine was able to replace a team of 500 horses. Seventy-five Newcomen pumping engines were installed at mines in Britain, France, Holland, Sweden and Russia. In the next fifty years only a few small changes were made to the engine design.
    4. The Watt steam engine was the first type of steam engine to make use of steam at a pressure just above atmospheric to drive the piston helped by a partial vacuum. Improving on the design of the 1712 Newcomen engine, the Watt steam engine was the next great step in the development of the steam engine.
    5. Offering a dramatic increase in fuel efficiency, the new design replaced Newcomen engines in areas wh ere coal was expensive, and then went on to be used in the place of most natural power sources such as wind and water. James Watt’s design became synonymous with steam engines.

    3. Choose the correct item A, B or C.
    1. Total demand for fuel increased considerably with ______.
    A. the industrial revolution
    B. the technological process
    C. sustainable energy development
    2. The most easily available fоrm of fuel is ______.
    A. соаl
    B. wood
    C. gas
    3. In 1774 John Wilkinson ______ a boring machine.
    A. invent
    B. invents
    C. invented
    4. The cleanest fossil fuel is______.
    A. oil
    B. natural gas
    C. соаl
    5. Renewable energy engineers ______.
    A. help to ensure that our world is preserved for humans
    B. are focused on finding clean, innovative ways to supply energy
    C. work in building and transport structures
    6. The ______ repairs the equipment оn the rig.
    A. electrical
    B. electricity
    C. electrician
    7. 90 % of energy consumed is lost that’s why the main problem is how we produce and ______energy resources.
    A. consumption
    B. consume
    C. consumed
    8. The______ is responsible for every engine in the factory.
    A. engineer
    B. engineering
    C. engine
    9. Most of the energy we use originally came from _____.
    A. the air
    B. the ocean
    C. sun
    10. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and propane are fossil fuels. They are called fossil fuels because:______.
    A. they are burned to release energy and they cause air pollution
    B. they were formed from the buried remains оf plants and animals
    C. they are nonrenewable and will run out

    4. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.
    1. Widespread use of energy recycling could therefore reduce global warming emissions by an estimated 20 percent.
    2. The Newcomen engine was more powerful than the Savery engine.
    3. These improvements allowed the steam engine to replace the water wheel and horses as the main sources of power for British industry.
    4. The greater fuel-efficiency of their engines meant that they were most attractive in areas wh ere fuel was expensive.
    5. The regenerator is the key component invented by Robert Stirling and its presence distinguishes a true Stirling engine from any other closed cycle hot air engine.
    6. These systems may be configured as a hydrogen furnace, a vacuum furnace or both.
    7. Oil cooling is the process of removing heat from machinery and electrical components with oil as a transfer medium.
    8. Most energy recovery systems exchange thermal energy in either sensible or latent form.
    9. A variety of work volumes, temperature, and processing capabilities are offered to match the system to the customer’s requirements.
    10. Most often the barrier between the fluids is a metal wall such as that of a tube or pipe.

    5. Write an abstract to the following text.
    The length of the abstract is 100–120 words (see Appendix).
    Absorption heat pumps are essentially air-source heat pumps driven not by electricity, but by a heat source such as natural gas, propane, solar-heated water, or geothermal-heated water. Because natural gas is the most common heat source for absorption heat pumps, they are also referred to as gas-fired heat pumps. There are also absorption (or gas-fired) coolers available that work on the same principal. Unlike some absorption heat pumps, however, these are not reversible and cannot serve as a heat source.
    Residential absorption heat pumps use an ammonia-water absorption cycle to provide heating and cooling. As in a standard heat pump, the refrigerant (in this case, ammonia) is condensed in one coil to release its heat; its pressure is then reduced and the refrigerant is evaporated to absorb heat. If the system absorbs heat from the interior of your home, it provides cooling; if it releases heat to the interior of your home, it provides heating.
    The difference in absorption heat pumps is that the evaporated ammonia is not pumped up in pressure in a compressor, but is instead absorbed into water. A relatively low-power pump can then pump the solution up to a higher pressure. The problem then is removing the ammonia from the water, and that’s wh ere the heat source comes in. The heat essentially boils the ammonia out of the water, starting the cycle again. A key component in the units now on the market is generator absorber heat exchanger technology, or GAX, which boosts the efficiency of the unit by recovering the heat that is released when the ammonia is absorbed into the water. Other innovations include high-efficiency vapor separation, variable ammonia flow rates, and lowemissions, variable-capacity combustion of the natural gas.
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